At approximately 10:10 a.m., two assailants slashed at the woman, 48, from behind just after she got out of her car in a parking lot in Yahatanishi Ward. The victim received wounds not considered serious to her back and shoulder.
After the attack, the two assailants were witnessed departing the scene. One was wearing a white face mask, jeans and black knit cap.
Police are treating the case as being related to a series of other attacks either known to have been or likely perpetrated by organized crime.
Last December, Tadayoshi Ueno, a 70-year-old a fishery cooperative president, was shot dead near his residence in Wakamatsu Ward.
In May, Ueno’s grandson, a 28-year-old dentist, was stabbed as he commuted to work.
Ueno’s older brother, then age 70, was shot and killed by two members of the Kudo-kai organized crime group in February of 1998.
The victim in the stabbing on Friday is a former employee of the fishery cooperative.