TOKYO (TR) – Tokyo Metropolitan Police are hunting for a man who disguised himself as an employee of a takkyubin delivery service before fatally strangling a 52-year-old male resident of an apartment Taito Ward on Saturday, reports the Yomiuri Shimbun (Mar. 10).
At around 7:55 p.m., a woman tipped off emergency services, saying, “There was an intruder and now a member of my family is unconscious.”
Emergency personnel arriving at the residence, located on the seventh floor of a building in the Kita-Ueno district, found her former husband, Masaru Sudo, unconscious on a sofa.
Sudo was later confirmed dead at a hospital. His neck showed signs of strangulation, police said.

When asked about the incident, the woman said that the man arrived while dressed as a courier. After pushing his way inside, he knocked her unconscious. “When I awoke, he was atop Mr. Sudo, strangling him with a belt,” she said.
An examination of security camera footage by police showed a man, around the age of 40, dressed all in blue at the building at around 7:20 p.m. His face was covered by a hood and mask. He left the building at around 7:50 p.m.
Police are searching for his whereabouts on suspicion of murder.