TOKYO (TR) – Tokyo Metropolitan Police have arrested a 50-year-old man who allegedly assaulted two women during the theft of underwear from a residence in Toshima Ward over the weekend, reports Nippon News Network (Sept. 27).
At September 22, Nobuhiro Togura, an employee in the construction industry, trespassed into the residence of one of the women and swiped 17 pairs of women’s underwear and an unspecified amount of cash. Upon encountering the woman, 27, as she returned home, the suspect allegedly beat her in the face, according to the Ikebukuro Police Station.
After the woman let out a scream, a female neighbor arrived at the residence. The suspect then slammed the head of the neighbor up against a wall.

A male neighbor hearing the disturbance arrived at the scene and apprehended Tougura. The first woman suffered minor injuries in the incident, police said. The condition of the second woman was not mentioned.
A subsequent search of the residence of Togura by police resulted in the discovery of a large quantity of women’s underwear. “The accumulation of women’s underwear provides a pleasant feeling,” the suspect was quoted by police.