KANAGAWA (TR) – Law enforcement has cited one adult and several male youths in a bosozoku biker gang for allegedly riding dangerously in Yokohama City last year, reports the Sankei Shimbun (Aug. 3).
Early on December 15, Shinnosuke Yamamoto, a 20-year-old company employee, and seven youths allegedly rode motorcycles through red traffic signals and weaved dangerously over a 4-kilometer stretch of National Route 15 between Kanagawa and Tsurumi wards.
Two youths, then aged 14 and 16, were sent to prosecutors for violating the Road Traffic Act regarding dangerous behavior. Meanwhile, police arrested Yamamoto and the five other youths, the aged 15 to 18, on the same charge.

All of the eight persons admit to the allegations, police said.
Yamamoto lives in Kawasaki City, where the bosozoku gang is based.
Prior to the incident, a patrol car spotted the gang at the Yokohama Red Brick Warehouse complex in Naka Ward. However, the members of the group ignored an order by an officer in the car to stop.