Police previously found 3 guns inside a rented storage space in Okawa City
Posts tagged as “Dojin-kai”
A criminal syndicate (yakuza) based in Kyushu
Canine bit the left hand of a 40-year-old assistant inspector at the office of the Dojin-kai in Kurume City
Search was conducted over alleged demands for payment of 'protection money' from a restaurant in Ogori City
Dog belonging to a boss of a gang affiliated with the Dojin-kai bit the 38-year-old head patrol officer on the right buttocks in February
Suspect told police, 'I stabbed her in the breast one time with murderous intent'
The suspects are believed to have been involved in 153 incidents with losses totaling 47.3 million yen
Members of the Dojin-kai are banned from coercing fellow gangsters into cutting off their fingers
The number of gangsters in the prefecture totaled 1,560 in 2014, a drop of 170 from the year before
In 2006, the PGA of Japan established a policy that prohibits association with gangsters
A seven-year dispute with the Dojin-kai organized crime group has ended