OSAKA (TR) – Osaka Prefectural Police suspect a person whose body was found in a sleeping bag in a unit of an apartment building in Toyonaka City died up to a decade ago, reports the Sankei Shimbun (Jan. 5).
At around 3:30 p.m. on Wednesday, the owner of the building, located in the Chokojiminami area, was cleaning the fourth-floor apartment of a man who had died of natural causes on December 1 when he discovered the corpse wrapped in a sleeping bag under a bed.
An autopsy conducted on the body revealed the cause of death to be suffocation. The body is believed to be that of a woman aged between 50 and 70. She likely died between five and 10 years ago.
The residence was occupied by the man and his wife. Police suspect the body is that of his wife since she has been out of contact for an extended period.
Police also believe that the man attempted to cover up the death of his wife by hiding her body, according to TV Asahi (Jan. 5).