One of the really nice things about the current special toll arrangement being offered by the various members of the Nippon Expressway Companies group is that for a uniform toll of just 1,000 yen, you can follow the exit ramps to male playgrounds all over this land — from Hokkaido, Aomori and Gunma to Ishikawa, Osaka, Mie, Ehime and Fukuoka.
And oh yes, adds Shukan Jitsuwa (May 14), that also includes Miyazaki. The capital city of this Kyushu domain, currently in the limelight thanks to its celebrity governor, is also where the Yomiuri Giants hold their baseball spring training camp. It is also said to boast a system of “take-out snacks” where the snack you take out is taken to bed. And it’s rumored some Giants players may even go there to take a few nocturnal practice swings.
Shukan Jitsuwa’s reporter is directed to Ueno-cho, which is located in the back of the neon district close to the central station.
“The snacks in the area open around 8 p.m.,” says a local source. “They charge from 10,000 to 15,000 yen, but these days the more expensive ones will knock down the price to around 12,000 yen.”
So after feasting on Miyazaki’s local breed of free-range chicken, the reporter sauntered over to Ueno-cho in search of another type of bird.
While prowling the streets he encountered an elderly hen who accosted him, cackling, “You wanna have some fun? It’s 12,000 yen.”
Her nest contained two chicks, both in their mid-20s and both quite attractive.
“At first I thought I’d check out the action at a few more shops, but these gals were so pretty I decided to stick with the first place,” the reporter relates.
Having made his choice, the 12,000 yen entitled him to take his pick and escort her to a nearby love hotel, where he got to sample some of Miyazaki’s native hospitality, including a romantic kiss, “deep throat” blow-job and, after rolling on a latex French letter, a hot session of honban (intercourse).
“Since it was in a hotel, the session wasn’t by the clock,” he says. “We did it with her straddling me, and afterwards we snuggled up like sweethearts. And I imagined what it feels like to be one of the Yomiuri Giants.” (K.S.)
Source: “Jidori-go wa ‘tsuredashi’ e GO,” Shukan Jitsuwa (May 14, page 261)