In our previous contribution we introduced a high-priced cyber-wanking gizmo called the SOMCON. Another sex aid being sold online, as reported in Nikkan Gendai (June 24), is the Sex Counter.
Fitted onto the phallus, the device features a motion sensor and digital readout. Functioning according to the same principle as a pedometer, the LCD display advances by one digit with each thrust of the hips.
Nikkan Gendai’s reviewer sees all kinds of potential for this puerile plastic purple penometer as a practical implement for keeping count of conjugal performances.
“You can encourage her by saying, ‘This time let’s shoot for a new record,'” smirks a 46-year-old salaryman. “Thanks to the Sex Counter the elapsed time of our intercourse keeps getting longer.”
Indeed, users may find that the device, by gripping the penis tightly, also helps to retard ejaculation, thereby serving to prolong play. The web site notes that its pliable plastic material makes it suitable for most sizes — although those with enormous equine appurtenances may find it a bit constrictive. It can also be worn atop a condom. (K.S.)
Source: “Koshifuri kaisu wo hakatte kanojo wa ikimakuri,” Nikkan Gendai (June 24, page 23)