In early April, a thirtyish salaryman was stabbed by a woman in the Yushima district of Tokyo’s Taito Ward. The two, reports Nikkan Gendai (Apr. 15), had met via an mobile phone encounter site. However, the woman failed to meet the gentleman’s expectations — being somewhat on the porky side — and he, in a less-than-gentlemanly fashion, requested that she disembark from his car, upon which she stabbed him and fled on foot, leaving him with a knife wound in his back.
When relationships move from Internet encounters to personal meetings, the risks increase logarithmically, and not only for females. Last December in Osaka, a truck driver waiting to meet up with an 18-year-old woman was scolded by a male pedestrian for allowing his attention to wander. The infuriated driver ran down the man and killed him.
Yukio Kamimura, a sex industry reporter, relates a scary incident that happened to him in the course of doing an article.
“I met up with this 29-year-old divorcee, but when I got in her car she asked me for a loan of 100,000 yen. I refused and she made me get out while the car was on the expressway. I hiked to the next service area, but it was scary with all those cars whizzing by, and nobody stopped to give me a lift.
“Another friend of mine got in a car with a woman he met and she said ‘Let’s die together’ and began speeding like a bat out of hell,” Kamimura continues. “He managed to get his foot on the brake from the passenger’s seat, stopped the car, jumped out and ran for his life.”
In other cases, men have reported having been burnt by a woman wielding a stun gun and cursed by an abusive nymphomaniac who screeched, “Can’t you do it more than once? You impotent son of a bitch!” and followed her indignant remarks with a power kick to his groin that resulted in a serious case of erectile dysfunction.
“Another thing you have to watch out for are women who offer to have sex at prices that seem too good to be true,” says Kamimura. “They’ll offer a quickie for 3,000 yen, but it’ll turn out to be a badger game, and when you show up for the rendezvous in some dark isolated place, her pimp will rip you off instead. You’ve really got to be cautious.” (K.S.)
Source: “‘Deaikei enko’ no ura de okiru kyofu no jiken,” Nikkan Gendai (Apr. 15, page 6)