Husbands spending lonely nights away from their wives or guys having a hard time meeting their mistresses might enjoy a new cyber-sex aid from Taiwan, reports Shukan Post (Oct. 26).
Love Palz is a machine and app that enables couples separated by long distances to enjoy virtual sex with one another while mutually connected to an iPhone or other smartphone device.
The product, scheduled to be released in January, is comprised of a male and female version, each consisting of a simple design, resembling a sleek thermos bottle. When the cap is removed from the female version (called “Hera”) a smooth phallus is revealed. For “Zeus,” the inside is a cylindrical cavity lined with textured silicone.
The devices send data back and forth between the user’s smartphone via a Bluetooth connection. A speed sensor in Zeus detects the velocity of the male’s piston-like action and sends that data to Hera, which in turn recreates that motion simultaneously. Hera, for her part, senses pressure changes based on the female’s reaction and sends that information to Zeus, whose built-in air pump adjusts tightness appropriately.
The smartphone app allows both users to see the face of their partner during the sessions, which the Web site envisions taking place in the home, office, or great outdoors.
The developer of the device was studying in the United Kingdom when he came up with the idea. “I was lonely during my studies as I couldn’t see my girlfriend back in Taiwan,” says the representative from the company. “That was my inspiration. I want couples engaged in long-distance relationships to enjoy this product’s benefits.”

Each unit is made of a high-quality, aluminum-magnesium alloy, which, according to LovePalz, is “non-toxic, light, durable, and last but not the least, very fashionable.” The company also claims that the device is fully water proof and usable in water.
Of concern to Shukan Post is the quality of the interior silicone. “The male version provides an almost equivalent experience in pleasure to that provided by a Tenga product,” assures the LovePalz representative, referring to Japan’s popular manufacturer of male masturbation aids.
The LovePalz Web site says that while its product was rejected on the Kickstarter fundraising platform more than 3,800 pre-orders have been made. The device is priced at $94.50 for a pair. The company also sells a special 24-carat edition (limited to 10 sets) for $10,000.
This is not the first pleasuring device for use in cyberspace. The Somcon solo-wanker that includes detachable parts suitable for both sexes has been on the market for a few years.
LovePalz admits that Japan is a key market given its advanced sex toys. “We have about 1,000 orders from Japan already,” says the company’s representative.
Soon to be heard in the streets of Shibuya: “Hey, I just met you, and this is crazy, but here’s my number, so…”(A.T.)
Source: “iPhone de konna kota made!? Taiwan kigyo ga kaihatsu, ” Shukan Post (Oct. 26, pages 145-146)