TOKYO (TR) – As a part of an ongoing crackdown on bait-and-switch prostitution scams in the Kabukicho red-light district, Tokyo Metropolitan Police have busted a group for defrauding a customer, reports TBS News (Jan. 21).
In December, a five-person ring lead by Akira Anzai, 38, is alleged to have solicited a man in the street by saying that he would receive full sex, which is illegal under the Anti-Prostitution Law, at a rental accommodation for 28,000 yen.
When the customer visited the business, however, he was told there were added fees. He eventually paid a total of 120,000 yen.
Anzai, who faces charges of illegal business operation under the adult-entertainment law, denies the charges.
In November, police made a number of arrests for similar scams.
Over the past year, police have received at least 530 complaints from victims of scams involving the use of rental accommodations. Of that total, 220 of the cases have involved customers being defrauded by the rental accommodation used by Anzai’s ring.