TOKYO (TR) – Tokyo Metropolitan Police have arrested a male graduate student at Tokyo University suspected in a pair of incidents involving school girls, reports Nippon News Network (Aug. 10).
In June, Kotaro Fukuhara, 34, who performs research in agricultural techniques, came up from behind a female high school student and pulled a tote bag over her head as she walked along a road in Arakawa Ward. He then allegedly embraced her before fleeing the scene.
Fukuhara, who has been accused of attempted indecent assault, partially denies the charges. “I touched [her] with my hand, but I did not embrace her,” the suspect was quoted by police.
Police apprehended Fukuhara after he allegedly followed another high school girl into a residential complex on July 2.
Police later accused the suspect in the Arakawa case after an examination of security camera footage taken in the area revealed a person believed to be the suspect.
“I did it for the thrill that comes with doing something immoral,” the suspect also told police. “I feel comfortable when doing something that is in opposition to the rigid environment of academic research.”