KOCHI (TR) – A quick-thinking employee at a credit union in Kochi City foiled a robbery of 10 million yen last week by handing the crook a wad of paper, reports NHK (Nov. 24).
At just before 2:00 p.m. on November 24, Hidehisa Chikazawa, a 55-year-old resident of the town of Haruno, held a knife up to a female customer at the Koda branch of the Hata Credit Union while threatening staff members.
According to the credit union, one employee then handed Chikazawa a stack of 1,000 sheets of paper that were said to be 10,000-yen notes. However, only the top and bottom sheets were in fact genuine currency, with the intervening bills being what clerks use to practice counting.
After Chikazawa fled the scene with the bogus bills in a bag by motorbike, one clerk threw balls filled with fluorescent paint at him. The suspect was apprehended in a park, located 1.5 kilometers from the credit union, on suspicion of robbery about five hours later with the bills still in the bag and the paint-splattered bike.
Chikazawa admits to the allegations. Police are now seeking the motive for the crime.