AICHI (TR) – Aichi Prefectural Police have launched an investigation following the discovery of a male corpse with multiple stab wounds at an abandoned hotel in the town of Toyoyama, reports the Asahi Shimbun (Apr. 6).
At around 2 p.m. on Thursday, a man walking past the abandoned Hotel Sun, located in the Toyoba area, tipped off police about “a car parked in the unused parking lot.”
Officers from the Nishibiwajima Police Station arriving at the scene found the body of the man, thought to be up to the age of 50, collapsed face-down in a bathroom of one of the dozens of rooms of the two-floor hotel. Bloodstains were also found inside room and the vehicle. A weapon was not found at the scene.
Police are seeking to identify the body. The case is being treated as murder.
The hotel fell into ruins after its business ceased several years ago, according to residents in the neighborhood.
A male 60-year-old resident said the grounds “became a place for middle school kids to gather during the evening and at night.”