TOKYO (TR) – Reality television star Maria Hamasaki has been found dead, the result of an apparent suicide, streaming site AbemaTV has revealed, reports NHK (Aug. 29).
In a statement released on August 28, AbemaTV said that based on evidence found at the scene it is believed that Hamasaki, the star of AbemaTV’s “Suddenly, Marriage,” took her life. No further information was given.
“We would like to express our sincere condolences to all of the members of her family members, related parties and staff members,” the statement said.

“Suddenly, Marriage” chronicles the first 30 days of the lives of a man and woman after their marriage is registered.
On August 1, the site started broadcasting the fourth season, which starred Hamasaki and a co-star as her husband. She also appeared in the third season of “Bachelor Japan” for Amazon Prime Video.
The death of Hamasaki follows that of Hana Kimura, the star of the reality series “Terrace House Tokyo 2019-2020.” She took her life in May.