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Man sought after fatal stabbing of middle school girl at McDonald’s in Kitakyushu

FUKUSHIMA (TR) – Fukuoka Prefectural Police are seeking the whereabouts of a man who stabbed a middle school boy and girl at a McDonald’s outlet in Kitakyushu City on Saturday night. The girl later died.

At around 8:30 p.m., the man entered the 322 Tokuriki outlet in Kokuraminami Ward and used a knife to stab the two third-year middle school students who were waiting in line at a register.

The two were taken to a hospital. The 15-year-old female student, Saaya Nakajima, who was stabbed in the abdomen, later died. The boy suffered injuries that are not considered life-threatening, police said.

The male student said something to the effect that he had never met the man who stabbed him.

A examination of security camera footage and other sources have revealed that the man stabbed the two once each without uttering a word. He then fled scene. The crime took less than a minute.

A man fatally stabbed a middle school girl at a McDonald’s outlet in Kitakyushu City on Saturday night (X)

A male university student, 19, who was in the outlet with a friend said that he was eating when suddenly a staff member appeared to be in a panic, according to Fuji News Network (Dec. 15).

The staff member said, “Please leave.” When he stood up from his seat, he saw a girl who appeared to have been stabbed curled up in the aisle, breathing with difficulty. The staff member then said something like, “She’s been stabbed.”

According to the investigation so far, the two were classmates at a local middle school. No knife was found at the scene. Based on accounts from store staff and witnesses, it is believed that the man headed north after leaving the store.

The man is believed to be in his 40s. Of medium build, he stands about 170 centimeters tall. At the time of the incident, he was wearing a grey jacket, black trousers and yellowish shoes.

Police are seeking the man’s whereabouts on suspicion of murder.