HOKKAIDO (TR) – Everything seemed fine — until it was time to pay the bill.
Hokkaido Prefectural Police have arrested a 46-year-old man who did not pay his bill at a family restaurant in Sapporo City after a meal that extended all day, reports Fuji News Network (Nov. 9).
At around 7:25 a.m. on November 8, the unnamed man, employed in the construction industry, arrived at the restaurant and ordered a set breakfast, which included toast topped with cheese.
He stayed at the restaurant through breakfast and into lunch, upon which time he placed another order. When dinner time rolled around, he made some more selections from the menu.

At around 10:50 p.m., more than 15 hours — and eight food orders — after the man started, he called an ambulance. “I feel itchy all over my body,” he said at the time.
Upon the arrival of emergency personnel, the man did not board the ambulance. And when he failed to pay the bill of 3,007 yen, a staff member called the police.
When police took him into custody on suspicion of fraud, he was in possession of around 20 yen. “What is written in the arrest warrant is a lie,” he told police.