TOKYO (TR) – Tokyo Metropolitan Police have arrested a 69-year-old man who is suspected in more than one dozens thefts from construction sites, reports the Sankei Shimbun (Feb. 27).
At around 3:30 a.m. on February 27, Noboru Yamauchi allegedly trespassed onto the construction site of an apartment building in the Nihonbashi Hamacho area of Chuo Ward and stole six electric tools valued at around 108,000 yen.
Yamauchi, who has been accused of theft, admits to the allegations. “I did it to use [the tools],” the suspect was quoted by the Hisamatsu Police Station.
According to police, Yamauchi gained access to the site by cutting a plastic sheet posted along its perimeter. An officer on patrol apprehended the suspect after he was seen loading the tools into a bag.
Police suspect that Yamauchi was behind about 20 other similar cases that have taken place withing the jurisdiction of the Hisamtsu station since January of last year.