YAMANASHI (TR) – Yamanashi Prefectural Police on Monday issued a photograph showing a 7-year-old girl who went missing from a campsite in the village of Doshi nearly two weeks ago, reports TBS News (Sept. 30).
Misaki Ogura, from Narita City, Chiba Prefecture, came with her mother and sister as a part of a group about 30 persons to the mountainous campsite on September 21.
At around 3:40 p.m. that day, Ogura followed some other children away from the campsite. However, she never returned with the other children.
The photograph released by police shows Ogura with short hair as she flashes the “peace sign” with her right hand. When she disappeared, Ogura was attired in a black long-sleeve shirt, jeans and green shoes.

Farmhouses and huts
As a part of a search for Ogura, now in its 10th day, authorities have used specially trained dogs and a drone capable of detecting body heat.
Searchers have also cut down tall grass in search of the girl and scoured farmhouses and empty huts. However, her whereabouts remain unknown.
On Tuesday, 43 police and fire officials planned to search a dam in Sagamihara City, Kanagawa Prefecture. The dam is located on the Toshi River about 13 kilometers from the campsite.
Persons with information on the case are advised to call the Otsuki Police Station at 0554-22-0110.