SHIZUOKA (TR) – Shizuoka Prefectural Police launched an investigation after the discovery of two sets of skeletal remains inside a pair of vehicles found submerged in Fujimi City, reports the Shizuoka Shimbun (May 30).
At around 8:45 a.m. on May 27, a worker doing dredging work to remove sediment of the seabed at Port of Tagonoura reported the discovery of the two vehicles.
Officers from the Fujimi Police Station arriving at the scene then found the skeletal remains inside the vehicles.
The gender and approximate age of the persons are not known. The bodies showed no signs of external wounds. Both persons are believed to have died several years before the discovery, police said.
According to police, the dredging work was the first to be carried out in the area in about 10 years. The vehicles were found buried in sediment at a depth beneath the water’s surface of around 7.5 meters.
Police are now working to identify the bodies. As of now, there is believed to be no connection between the deaths of the persons.