TOKYO (TR) – Tokyo Metropolitan Police have established a temporary consultation office in Toshima Ward to assist in the identification of corpses found nationwide, reports Kyodo News (Sept. 1).
Through September, persons in search of loved ones are invited to an office at Kogan-ji Temple in the Sugamo area to peruse tablet computers containing data on bodies that police across the country have not been able to identify.
The data includes the date the body was discovered, details on clothing and personal items in possession of the person. Illustrated portraits are also viewable.

As of the end of July, police had 3,347 unidentified corpses on file for Tokyo, with the date of discovery of some bodies dating back as far as 1995.
“Whether we [identify] one person or many, we are working under the idea of bringing families together,” said Toru Inoguchi, the head of the identification division. “We want people to take the chance and come consult with us.”
A similar office is located at the Tokyo Metropolitan Police headquarters in Chiyoda Ward. Both are open from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.