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No self-restraint: Akasaka SM bar to reopen despite state of emergency

TOKYO (TR) – An SM bar in Chiyoda Ward announced on Tuesday that it will reopen despite the ongoing state of emergency in effect due to the novel coronavirus pandemic.

According to the Instagram account for Akasaka SM-Bar Dominatrix, located in the Akasaka entertainment district, the establishment will resume operations on Thursday.

“To everyone dealing with these challenging circumstances, come and see Belle’s show,” a post on the account said.

On Monday, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe extended the nationwide state of emergency until May 30. Over the past few weeks, data from the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare has shown the number of infections has dropped to about one third of its peak last month.

“The one-month period is designed for us to prepare for the next step and put an end to the state of emergency,” Abe said, according to the Mainichi Shimbun.

During the state of emergency, governments nationwide have been encouraging persons to refrain from going out and staying away from crowded areas in an effort to reduce the spread of the virus, which causes the disease COVID-19.

Akasaka SM-Bar Dominatrix did not mention on Instagram or its web site whether it would take measures to comply with that mandate once it reopens.


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がんばり屋さんのベルちゃんのショーをぜひ見に来て下さい。 5/7日からお店再開します。お待ちしておりますm(__)m 《赤坂Dominatrix》 東京都港区赤坂2-13-8赤坂ロイヤルプラザ地下103 千代田線赤坂駅2番出口 徒歩三分 火曜日~土曜日 pm20:00~25:00 03-6807-4275 日月曜日 祭日休み #ショークラブ #ショーキャバクラ #クラブ #バー #ショーガール #赤坂 #余興 #港区 #港区バー #インスタグラム  #エンターテイメント #ショー  #夜遊び#東京 #キャバクラ #毎日ショー #明朗会計 #刺激的 #非日常  #一人飲み#show #bar #akasaka #akasakabar #entertainment #showclub  #tokyo#follow4followback

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