MIYAGI (TR) – Miyagi Prefectural Police have launched an investigation following the discovery of a woman’s corpse on a beach in Sendai City last week, reports the Kahoku Shimpo (May 17).
At around 11:10 a.m. on May 16, a male passerby tipped off police, saying there is “a woman collapsed on the beach” in the Gamou are of Miyagino Ward.
According to the Sendai-Higashi Police Station, the woman was confirmed dead at the scene. Believed to be in her 60s or 70s, she stands 155 centimeters tall and has a medium build.
The woman was clothed in a black tank top, blue jeans, black tights and black shoes. She is believed to have died with one day of the discovery.
In addition to confirming the woman’s identity, police are seeking the cause of death.