TOKYO (TR) – Tokyo Metropolitan Police have attested a 26-year-old for allegedly confining woman while they were on a date, reports NHK (Feb. 19).
Over February 16 and 17, Kenta Fukuda, of no known occupation, allegedly confined the woman, 21, inside his vehicle as he drove to Yamanashi Prefecture.
“I was with her, but it was consensual,” Fukuda was quoted by the Takaido Police Station in denying the allegations.

On February 16, Fukuda, a resident of Kagoshima Prefecture, became acquainted with the woman, who works in the hospitality industry.
“Let’s go on a date,” he later told her.
However, once inside his vehicle he began issuing threats. “I’ll take you to the mountains and bury you,” he reportedly said.
While the suspect’s attention was diverted momentarily, she contacted a relative via a social-networking service. Police later found her inside the vehicle with Fukuda.