TOKYO (TR) – Following his arrest over the alleged possession of marijuana, actor Yusuke Iseya has tested positive for the illegal drug, police have revealed, reports TBS News (Sept. 25).
On September 8, police entered the residence of Iseya, 44, in Meguro Ward and allegedly found 7.8 grams of marijuana in his possession. After his arrest, he admitted to the allegations.
On Friday, police revealed that the results of an analysis of the urine of the actor gave a positive result fo rmarijuana.
“Since I possessed marijuana, it is not surprising that I tested positive,” Iseya was quoted. “I smoked on the morning of my arrest.”

The amount of marijuana cited by police was included in 20 grams found in four bags on a table in the living room.
Police also previously announced the seizure of 500 sheets of rolling paper and a clam shell on a desk that contained a mixture of marijuana and tobacco.
Police are continuing to grill Iseya on how he obtained the marijuana since the actor has not disclosed it.