TOKYO (TR) – Tokyo Metropolitan Police have arrested two suspects over the alleged theft of a bag from an elderly man in Machida City earlier this year, reports Nippon News Network (July 9).
In March, Kaito Ishizaki, 20, of no known occupation, and an 18-year-old male youth allegedly used bicycles to approach the man, 75, and steal the tote bag, containing a mobile telephone and 5,000 yen in cash, on a road in the Kanamori area.
Both suspects admit to the allegations, telling police they had no money and “sought thrills” in their spare time. “We did this maybe two other times,” one of the suspects was quoted.

In carrying out the crime, the youth pedaled one bicycle at high speed past the victim. Ishizaki, pedaling another bicycle, then arrived and snatched the bag while the victim was distracted.
The suspects became persons of interest in the case for police after an examination of security camera footage showed two persons fleeing the scene by bicycle, according to TV Asahi (July 9).