TOKYO (TR) – Following the arrest of two organized crime members over the attack and robbery of the manager of a used-car dealership in Chofu City last year, police have apprehended a boss from the same criminal syndicate, reports Fuji News Network (Oct. 12).
At around 4:30 p.m. on November 9, 2017, three men, whose faces were covered with ski masks, entered the office of the dealership, located in the Jindaiji Kitamachi area, and sprayed the male manager, then 65, in the face with tear gas.
One of the perpetrators then slashed the manager in the left side of his abdomen with a Japanese sword before the trio fled with about 500,000 yen in cash and two mobile phones.
In the latest development, police have arrested Kim Yeong-cheol, a 71-year-old boss in the Inagawa-kai, and two others for ordering the hit. “I have absolutely no connection [to the matter],” Kim was quoted by police in denying the allegations.
In June, police arrested Koji Ueno (44) and Yuji Ito (30), also members of the Inagawa-kai, and two other suspects after an examination of security camera footage.
After the incident, the manager was transported to a hospital with serious wounds, but his condition was not considered life-threatening. His period of recovery is not known, police said.