AICHI (TR) – Aichi Prefectural Police fired two shots at a 24-year-old man in apprehending him following the robbery a post office in Nagoya on Monday, reports Fuji News Network (Aug. 18).
At around 3:30., Yusuke Yoshihara, of no known occupation, burst into the post office, located in the Sakae area of Naka Ward, while wielding a knife with a 12-centimeter-long blade.
After taking a 56-year-old female customer hostage, he demanded 2 million yen in cash. Yoshihara then released the customer and fled the scene with 2.21 million yen in cash.
Near the post office, an officer from the Naka Police Station fired one shot at Yoshihara’s feet. After the bullet missed, the suspect went into the Nagoya Parco department store.
He then jumped into a taxi with the knife concealed. At a traffic signal, police spotted him inside the cab. The suspect then exited the vehicle and fled on foot.
Another officer from the same station fired at the suspect again after he attacked a third officer, according to Kyodo News (Aug. 17). When that shot also missed, police apprehended Yoshihara, about 25 minutes after he took flight and 200 meters from the post office.

“Proper protocol was utilized”
Upon his arrest on suspicion of violating the Swords and Firearms Control Law, he admitted to the allegations. “I carried out the robbery because I wanted money for gambling,” said the suspect, who was in possession of the knife.
The female customer suffered light injuries to her left arm and a knee, police said.
“Though [the matter] is under investigation, we think the proper protocol was utilized,” said Haruhiko Harada, the vice chief of the Naka Police Station.