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Osaka: Yakuza nabbed in earthquake relief ruse

OSAKA (TR) – Osaka Prefectural Police have arrested an organized crime member atop a fraud ring whose members swindled victims in a ruse related to the collection of donations for relief following a natural disaster, reports Jiji Press (Sept. 20).

On nine occasions between June and August of last year, the ring fraudulently collected 50 million yen from an elderly woman living in Hamamatsu City, Shizuoka Prefecture, according to police.

In carrying out the ruse, the victim was falsely told that her name was being used to fraudulently raise funds for recovery from the Great East Japan Earthquake of 2011. The victim was further told that it was necessary to pay a fee to settle the case.

According to police, Naotoshi Kimura a 42-year-old member of the Kodo-kai, which is affiliated with the Yamaguchi-gumi, heads the ring. He was arrested on suspicion of fraud on September 20.

Naotoshi Kimura
Naotoshi Kimura (Twitter)

Three other persons have been arrested in the case. Police did not reveal whether the suspects admit to the allegations.

Police believe the ring has collected a total of around 100 million yen using similar means.