CHIBA (TR) – Chiba Prefectural Police have arrested two Maritime Self-Defense Force members over the alleged assault of two high school girls in Kashiwa City, reports Kyodo News (Sept. 5).
According to the Kashiwa Police Station, the suspects are Daichi Yamaguchi (21) and Ataru Kajihara (22), both students at a technical school at Shimofusa Air Base.
The incident took place while the suspects and the girls waited for an empty room at a karaoke parlor at around 1:15 p.m. on July 28.
In the lobby, the suspects allegedly put the girls, both 17, in the dogeza position, or prostrated on the floor. They then pulled on the arms and hair of the girls while kicking them in the back of the head.
Neither girl was hurt in the incident, police said.
During questioning, both suspects, who were off-duty at the time of the incident, said that they do “not recall” the matter since they were drunk at the time.
“It is indeed regrettable,” said Katsuhiko Origuchi, the commanding officer of the technical school. “I want to cooperate fully with the police investigation and try to prevent a recurrence.”