OSAKA (TR) – Osaka Prefectural Police have arrested a 63-year-old man over the alleged fatal beating of his male roommate in Toyonaka City two years ago, reports NHK (May 24).
On Monday, police accused Akihiko Fujio, of no known occupation, of manslaughter.
“The violence escalated since he didn’t listen to me,” Fujio was quoted by police in partially denying the allegations.
Police allege that Fujio used a wooden sword to repeatedly beat Mitsushi Fujiwara, 64, over the length of his body at the residence in the Midorigaoka area in January 2019.
Initially, it was thought that Fujiwara died due to poor health. However, an examination of his body showed that he had been assaulted. The cause of death was sepsis, or blood poisoning, police said.
Fujio’s involvement then emerged as the investigation proceeded.
“I’ll bring you to the yakuza”
Fujio got to know Fujiwara through work in 2016. Two years later, Fujio began living with Fujiwara, who had just divorced his wife.
Fujio then began controlling Fujiwara’s finances, including a pension and around 10 million yen from the sale of his residence after his divorce.
Fujio is already on trial for allegedly extorting 13 million yen from three other acquaintances. “I’ll bring you to the yakuza,” he reportedly threatened one of the victims.