OSAKA (TR) – A man plans alert police after filming a suspected thief of women’s underwear at his apartment building in Ibaraki City on Sunday, reports Fuji News Network (Oct. 8).
In the clip, which was posted on Twitter (below), the perpetrator, attired in a red shirt and dark pants, is shown on the first-floor balcony of the residence with his left arm extended.
“Hey!” screams the man filming with his smartphone. The perpetrator, carrying a satchel and wearing glasses, then climbs down from the balcony and moves toward a fence fronting the building.
After the perpetrator climbs the fence, the man pursues him. At the end of the clip, the perpetrator is shown running down the street passing in front of the building.
“Since my wife’s underwear was stolen before, I thought this guy might have been responsible,” the man was quoted by the network.
The video has garnered tremendous popularity on Twitter, thus far receiving more than 100,000 Retweets and Likes. The man is planning to submit the clip to Osaka Prefectural Police.
まだ捕まってないんで皆さんも注意して下さい。#拡散希望RTお願いします#大阪府茨木市#洗濯物泥棒— hiroki (@hiroki22717205) October 6, 2019