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Iranian, wife nabbed for smuggling stimulant drugs into Japan

TOKYO (TR) – Kanagawa Prefectural Police have arrested a male Iranian national and his wife over the alleged smuggling of stimulant drugs into Japan by ship, reports TBS News (Oct. 18).

Alireza Omidian, 41, and his wife, a 48-year-old Korean national, are alleged to have smuggled about 50 kilograms of kakuseizai, or stimulant drugs, aboard a freighter that arrived at the Port of Yokohama from Vietnam at the end of September.

Omidian, who has been accused of violating the Stimulants Control Law, denies the allegations. “I don’t know anything about it,” the suspect was quoted by the Hodogaya Police Station.

Alireza Omidian
Alireza Omidian (Twitter)

In the middle of September, the ship departed Thailand for Vietnam. On October 1, a customs official examining cargo aboard the freighter found the contraband inside plastic bags, police said.

The seizure is the largest for stimulant drugs at the port this year, police said.