KANAGAWA (TR) – In looking back 10 years, Fuji News Network recalls the bust of a prostitution ring that dispatched women from a coffee shop in Yokohama.
According to the report, a member of the ring called out to a male company worker on a road near JR Yokohama Station. An introduction to a female Taiwanese national to engage in honban, or full sex, was then made.
The ring operated by having female employees wait at a manga kiss coffee shop until called upon, police said.

Police arrested four persons arrested, including a 62-year-old man from Tokyo’s Ota Ward and his wife, on suspicion of violating the Anti-Prostitution Law.
One of the suspects told police that the use of the shop cut costs. “Using an apartment costs money,” the suspect was quoted. “Not only is a manga kiss cheaper but it is also open 24 hours.”