CHIBA (TR) – Chiba Prefectural Police arrested a 42-year-old male bus driver after corpse of his father was found in a residence in Kamagaya City earlier this month, reports Chiba Nippo (Dec. 16).
At around 10:45 p.m. on December 4, police started questioning Makoto Kuroda on a voluntary basis in the parking lot of a pachinko parlor in Kamagaya. At the time, Kuroda was in possession of a butterfly knife.
The following day, police visited a residence in Kamagaya connected to Kuroda in attempting to verify his address. During the visit, police found the skeletal remains of his father, 74-year-old Eiichi, lying face-up atop a bed in a bedroom.
The body of Eiichi did not exhibit any external wounds. It is believed he died due to natural causes, the Kamagaya Police Station said.

On the day of the discovery of the body, police first arrested Kuroda for violating the Swords and Firearms Control Law regarding the possession of the knife. He was later accused of abandoning a corpse.
“One morning at the end of June, I awoke to find my father dead. I then left [the residence], leaving him as is,” the suspect was quoted by police. He also told police that he subsequently lived in various locations, including a manga kissa coffee shop and inside a vehicle.