KANAGAWA (TR) – Kanagawa Prefectural Police have arrested a 43-year man over the theft of cash from an offering box at a temple in Ebina City last week, reports Nippon News Network (Nov. 12).
At just past 10:00 p.m. on November 10, Naoki Takahashi allegedly stole 1,700 yen from the box before being accosted by the head priest on the temple grounds.
In security camera footage provided by the network, a man is seen pulling something from behind the box. When accosted by the priest, who is holding a flashlight, the man flees.
Shortly thereafter, the priest apprehended Takahashi outside the grounds. Upon his subsequent arrest, the suspect admitted to the allegations, police said.
After suffering several similar thefts, management at the temple installed the security camera. On two other occasions, the camera captured a person breaking into the offering box.