AICHI (TR) – Aichi Prefectural Police have arrested a 70-year-old woman over the alleged killing of her mostly bedridden mother-in-law at their residence in Gamagori City, reports Kyodo News (July 9).
On around Sunday, Fumiko Otsuka is alleged to have fatally strangled her mother-in-law, 96-year-old Kiyoko, with a cord.
Otsuka, who was accused of murder on Tuesday, admits to the allegations. “I couldn’t sleep since I was taking care of her,” the suspect was quoted by the Gamagori Police Station.
In addition to Kiyoko, Otsuka shared the residence with her husband, 74, and son. Since May, Kiyoko was unable to go outside regularly due to problems with her leg. The suspect is believed to have served as her nurse.
At around 8:25 a.m. on Sunday, her husband found her collapsed atop her bed when he brought her breakfast. She was later confirmed dead at the hospital, police said.