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Kanagawa police search for woman after theft of ¥1.2 million for school lunches

About 1.2 million yen from student lunches has gone missing from an elementary school in Odawara City
About 1.2 million yen in cash paid for student lunches has gone missing from an elementary school in Odawara City (TV Asahi)

KANAGAWA (TR) – Kanagawa Prefectural Police are searching for a woman suspected in the disappearance of about 1.2 million yen obtained for student lunches from an elementary school in Odawara City, reports TV Asahi (Apr. 20).

On Wednesday, parent-teacher officers and officials at Yahagi Elementary School were tallying up money for lunches for first-year through third-year students over a four-month period in the libary when a tote bag containing around 1.22 million yen in cash went missing.

One parent indicated that there was a person present at the gathering who was unfamiliar. An examination of security footage showed a woman deemed suspicious walking through the corridors of the school.

Police are pursuing the investigation on suspicion of theft.